GRDS International Conference Summary, held at Barcelona , July 2017



19th International Conference on Psychology & Language Research (ICPLR)
Universitat de Barcelona – Edifici Històric, Barcelona, Spain

This summary captures a two day program with presentations, panel discussions and interactive dialogue. Global Psychology and Language Research Association (GPLRA) conference is one of best academic event in Psychology and Language theme, which took place on 25th & 26th of July, 2017 at Universitat de Barcelona – Edifici Històric, Barcelona, Spain. The event brought together around 25 Participants from around 8 different countries to review and discuss the latest challenges of Psycholinguistics. Global Psychology and Language Research Association (GPLRA) is known to have valuable networking opportunity and set the stage for further cooperation among the participants of different countries.

The conference began with opening remarks by Honourable Keynote speaker highlighting the main context on Psycholinguistics.

The main aim of this conference was:
  •  To discuss latest challenges/researches being faced by the Society  regarding Language, Communication gap
  •  Generating academic and professional relationships
  •  Boosting morale and confidence of researchers in an international platform
  •  Networking among the participants
  •  Providing a holistic experience of academic tourism

We would begin with session 1. The details are as below.

Session 1: Welcome and opening Speech

In the Opening of the conferenceOur Honourable Keynote speaker enlightened the participants with their Speech to the conference highlighting the problem emerging all around the world  communication and language .
María de Lourdes Cuéllar Valcárcel
(Foreign Language Teaching Center (CELE), National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM), Mexico)

Session 2: Technical Session 

In this technical session Participants of Global Psychology and Language Research Association (GPLRA) presented their papers related to their Research and Study. Some of the major issues that were discussed can be outlined as:

1. “Applications of Typology in Multilingual Pedagogy: Teaching Languages While Pursuing Migrants’ Linguistic Integration and Minority Languages’ Preservation” Presented by Kristian Pérez Zurutuza Affiliated to Department of Foreign Languages and Their Linguistics, EHU-UPV, UNED Gasteiz, Madrid.
2. “The Grammaticalization of Mandarin Chinese Ling3領” Presented by Tom Chung-Hsin Liu and Shelley Ching-yu Depner Affiliated to Student, Professor, Department/Graduate Institute of Foreign Languages and Literature, National Cheng Kung University, Taiwan.
3. “Variables Contributing to Happiness in University Students” Presented by Deborah Flynn Affiliated to Psychology,Nipissing University,North Bay, Canada.

In order to Promote Young Researchers, GRDS International conferences, Provides Young Research Scholarship in the form of full Registration fee waiver to participate in such events.

In each, GRDS International conference, best paper award is given to best researches. In Global Psychology and Language Research Association (GPLRA)Best paper award is given to the participants with best scholarly paper submitted and presented at the conference. In Global Psychology and Language Research Association (GPLRA) conference, Best Paper Award was given to paper ‘Cross-Sectional Study: Relation between Children’s Difficulties and Problematic Internet Use in Six Junior High Schools in Depok City, Indonesia’ Submitted by Niken Rachma Sayekti Affiliated to Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Indonesia Depok, Indonesia.  

The conference picture gallery is available here:

       Our Upcoming Conference:

       The conference proceedings can be downloaded here: 

      Video gallery can be downloaded here: 

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Global Research and Development Services (GRDS)

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